Logistics is synonymous of collaboration


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“Few months ago I received a call from an unknown number, it was David Martínez Rojas; he introduced himself and started talking about a dream: an Association made by and for Logistics´ Professionals in Mexico. Infected by his enthusiasm I started to dream as well. Today it is real and I am part of it, so I asked him to talk about his passion for logistics and his dream in this post; I´m sure you´ll enjoy it as much as I do.” @AlanRodEsp


Working in logistics, we have listened to this phrase all the time, certainly it´s true. Logistics is nothing without collaboration, either among your team and other departments of your company, very important, or between your logistics area and the one at your suppliers or customers.

This means that the professional of logistics can´t be isolated; its activity is connected with many others, internally and beyond its environment. If this premise is true, the importance of being in contact with other logisticians is fundamental and the participation in associations becomes vital. One factor to achieve a better professional growth, also in logistics, is being part of a wide network of professionals and experts that generate an easy access to useful information for development. That is possible in an Association

I don´t remember, can you? if university´s professors told us, teach us, about the value of being part of an Association, about the importance of organize ourselves as a civil society to achieve a better career and a better country. With that failure or deficiency in our education, when we are invited to join an organization, our question is: What do they offer? Instead being reflexive and think about what each of us can give before receive… Collaboration!


To be a member of an association is like sign up in a sports club, in both cases you pay a fee, that could be cheap or expensive according to your attendance, I mean, if I go to the club, attend the gym, swim, play tennis, talk to other members, then I will be making profitable that subscription fee; the same happens in an Association, if I attend the meetings, if I join the courses and seminars, if I share information and the one received by me is read and analyzed, if I participate in networking and business with other affiliates, then I will make profitable the fee and the time expended.

Maybe you will think “I don´t have time because I have a lot of work”, remember that an association of professionals of your field is part of your job, of your professional activity, your network.

In the other hand, if you are thinking “I don´t like how they are doing the stuff, so I don´t participate”, remember that the only way to change the status of things is participating being inside; it happens to us as citizens, we want to change our country, the only way is participate.


In Associations you will find technique information, benchmark, networking, business and everything you want depending of your participation.

#SoyLogistico Association, started 2 years ago as a movement among logisticians, today it born as a real association de logistics executives. The Board of Directors is already integrated; actually, they took the oath in the National Logistics Awards in October 2016. This Board had its strategic planning meeting to define the mission, vision, values and a job schedule for this year; with this information we will be defining the value of being part of an association, specifically #SoyLogistico Association, in our next meeting in January.


If you are a logistics executive in a manufacturing company or a logistics supplier, we invite you to join us, it´s very important your participation in our activities, more than a fee, discover with us the value of be part of #SoyLogistico Association, the proud of being and belong.

David M. R.

David Martínez Rojas.

President of #SoyLogístico Association

“David Martínez Rojas is President of #SoyLogistico Association. He has a vast experience in the management of Associations, since 1985 he has directed groups of dreamers, like you and me, in the quest of a better world. Thank you David for participate in this blog! To all: Happy 2016, thanks for read, until next one!” @AlanRodEsp

This blog supports and is supported by: http://soylogistico.org.mx/

7 thoughts on “Logistics is synonymous of collaboration

  1. I found the article very interesting because it’s true when we get be part of an organization,most of the time people have this selfish thinking “what I gonna win?”, we never think or not always about what the organization needs to be better, and most of the time in almost all the things we do, we only think in ourselves, I think that is important try to avoid this thinking and try to make the things on a different way, thinking as well in what other people needs, or the needs of our country, company, school,etc. and if we act this way maybe we can be able of see a good difference


  2. I found the article very interesting because it’s true when we get be part of an organization,most of the time people have this selfish thinking “what I gonna win?”, we never think or not always about what the organization needs to be better, and most of the time in almost all the things we do, we only think in ourselves, I think that is important try to avoid this thinking and try to make the things on a different way, thinking as well in what other people needs, or the needs of our country, company, school,etc. and if we act this way maybe we can be able of see a good difference


  3. El artículo es muy interesante ya que cuando se tiene la posibilidad o está ya dentro de una una organización, uno como persona lo primero que piensa es lo que va a ganar, uno como persona no necesariamente tiene que tener ese pensamiento, sino de saber de lo que la organización necesita, lo que la tiene que llevará a la mejora de ella siendo una innovación. La mayoría del tiempo uno como persona solo pensamos en nosotros mismos sin saber qué es lo que hace falta o que es más importante, pero claro, todo eso se puede cambiar llegando a un punto en el que se pueden evitar pensamiento y tratos malos y poder cambiarlos a ideas nuevas y mejores, así poder pensar en lo que las demás personas necesitan, de igual manera estar ayudando cotidianamente y no estar pensando siempre en nuestro por venir ya que eso luego afecta socialmente; actuando de una forma diferente y de manera en la que podamos ser capaces de tener una diferencia entre los demás y poder cambiar pequeñas cosas.


  4. El articulo es realmente interesante y cierto, hoy en día las personas piensan muy egoistamente o deciden que es mejor trabajar solos que ser miembro de una asociación y eso es incorrecto porque de esta forma no ayudan a que la compañía o empresa crezca y sea mejor y por sobretodo un mejor país porque muchas personas dicen no tener tiempo y ponen una actitud de “¿y yo como me voy a ver beneficiado?” cuando en realidad debemos pensar en la colaboración y no tanto en recibir a cambio porque de eso se trata finalmente de aprender a ser tolerable y además escuchar y que me escuchen para tener un mejor criterio y análisis.
    Todos queremos un mejor país no es cierto?, pues entonces debemos empezar por decir haré que el cambio surja y con esto voy a que no debemos tener el pensamiento de “no me gusta como piensas, así que dejare las cosas así” ¡NO! el cambio empieza por uno mismo ayudándose y complementandose con los demás en cuando ideas,estrategias estrategias, habilidades etc.


  5. Me parece que en una empresa todas las áreas son complejas, y es por eso que una persona profesional no se puede quedar “estancada” en lo que ya sabe o en lo aprendido pues como dice en el ejemplo con respecto a logística, uno enriquece su conocimiento preparándose y no quedando en una zona de comfort. Además de mencionar la importancia de tener relaciones personales, esto implica nuevos elementos en nuestra peofesion pues de alguna manera de aprenden conocimientos que nos hacen competentes tanto para nosotros como para la organización a la que pertenecemos.


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